How Levi Dominated the Gold Rush!

DigiFire Media
2 min readNov 7, 2021

Have you heard about Levi Strauss and Sam Brannan?

During the 1849 Gold Rush, thousands of ambitious miners ascended on San Francisco to strike it rich.

49er’s(the miners)were pouring in like a boat with a hole in the bottom.

Surprisingly only a few that didn’t lose their gold to gambling, prostitution, and violence actually made a profit, much less a fortune.

The real Fortunes were made by a couple of guys that never mined for Gold…but they sure ended up with most of it!

So what’s this got to do with The Elite Partner Program?


You see, just like the Gold Rush, there are miners and suppliers of miners. Miners can only mine so much in a day!

Suppliers can sell shovels and pick to hundreds of miners a day. For a hefty mark-up since the demand was so great.

Before Levi even launched blue jeans he was making close to the equivalent of $155,000.00 per day.

You could say he was happier than a pig in slop!

And as any true marketer knows…having a product that is in demand by the masses, is like a pan of gold nuggets.

The Trio of Chrome Extensions is today’s Shovels and Picks!

Your “miners” are practically every business on the planet that has the same goal in mind.

Get more leads!

Without leads to convert to buying customers…they don’t have a business.

Lead generation can be extremely expensive, and conversions can cost hundreds after figuring in paid ads.

But what if they knew about the Lead Generating Superpowers of these three Automation Powerhouses, and you were the genius that brought it to them?

I know! Hero status in under an hour.

There are billions of Miners on Facebook™ looking for better picks and shovels.

Remember Sam Brannan? He bought up all the Picks and Shovels and resold them to the miners…

He became California’s first millionaire, perfectly illustrating the old maxim, “during a gold rush, sell shovels.”



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